The Barney Cookbook(tm) v1.2

WARNING: Many of these snacks are highly toxic and/or deadly. This Cook Book is in existence, just because of how fun the preparation is, and you should NOT attempt eating any of these snacks.
This page was last updated:
Keebler does not take responsibility for the recipes that he did not write.
On 8-12-96, this page was considered tres bizarre

Baked Barney Bites

This is a delightful way to prepare your Barney. Here is a list of the ingredients and equipment you will need: Take your Barney, and dice him into small 1" cubes. This will take a while, but watching him squirm is worth it. Coat the cookie sheets in cooking spray, and place the Barney cubes on the sheets. You may need more cookie sheets, depending on how big yo ur Barney is, and if you decide to eat the tail or not. Put the bite size Barney cubes in the oven for 2 hours at 350 degrees F. Take the Barney bites out, and let them cool for 30 minutes. Frosting is optional. Serve cold, and voila! Baked Barney Bites.
from Keebler (

Deep-fried Barney Strips

This is a fun way to cook Barney, Colonel Sanders style. Here are the ingredients and equipment you will need: Beat the eggs until they are nice and runny. Pour the milk and Corn Flakes into the mix, followed by the flour. Stir the batter for about 10 minutes, until it is a nice, pasty tan/yellow color. Slice Barney vertically into about 20 long strips, then ch op each strip into three equal sections. Dip the Barney Strips into the batter, make sure to coat them completely. Once all 60 or so of the Barney strips are coated in the batter, dip them into the Fry-Master 4000 for 20 minutes. Pull them out, and ser ve with barbecue sauce.
from Keebler (


This is a great treat for outdoor events and parties! Here are the ingredients you will need: Take Barney, tie him up with some rope, and shove the apple in his mouth. Run the skewer through him vertically, and mount him over the BBQ pit. Rotate for about 40 minutes, while seasoning and covering with the A1. Chop the cooked Barney up into sever al steak sized pieces, and serve.
from Keebler (

Purple Sushi

If you like sushi, well, you probably still won't like this snack, but it'd be fun to prepare. Here is a list of ingredients: Take Barney and chop him up into little chunks, chill over ice for 10 minutes. Serve over rice with assorted vegetables.
from Keebler (

Barney Burgers

A purple alternative to going to McDonalds. Ingredients: Toss Barney in the meat grinder. Shape the ground Barney flesh into hamburger patties. Grill for 5 minutes on each side. Serve on buns with condiments of your choice.
from Keebler (

Purple Poison Pus

Take one Lavander Lard Lord, add LOTS of rat poison (can substitute arsenic for rat poison if you prefer), Put in blender on maximum speed for approx. 2 hours, Cook at 1000 centigrade for 3 hours.
This recipe is much more fun if he's still concious when the blender is turned on :)
from Melanie Davies.

The Scrambled brains!

This is meant to be a poison, so don't be...disturbed.
Get samples of barneys bodily fluids. Blood, saliva, vomit and (sic) err.. uhhh.. ummm.. urine. Ok, next sever barney's head. Now, cut a small circle in the top of barneys head. Take a hand held blender, and SCRAMBLE HIS BRAINS! Empty the insides of the head into a frying pan. Baist with bodily fluids. Let sit at 100 degrees for 5 minutes. This makes for a good poison.
from Adam Grant (

B'harnii Biscuit

Take one Purple Pediophile. Place in small room with full can of Xylon. Open can and seal room. After 1 hour, place a rock in the body of the Evil one. Heat to 400 F for 5.5 hours. Remove the rock and eat it. Throw away the waste. (For those of you wondering what Xylon is, ask anyone who has heard about the Holocaust.)

Recipe for Dead B*rney:

Stuff the Hellwyrm's tail in an operating meat grinder, then fill its mouth with jalapeno & habanero peppers (add enough so it won't be able to scream - even though it'll *want* to... ). Gouge out its eyes with a corkscrew and place whole garlic bulbs in the sockets. Fill the nose with Limburger cheese. When B*rney's tail is completely ground, shove its head in an ordinary gas oven - *without igniting the pilot light*. Close all the windows & doors, leave the house, and go on an overnight trip. When you return the following morning, the Magenta Menace should be done to a faretheewell... ;-)
from Lorrill Buyens (

Green Barney and Ham recipe:

Ok take your barney, spray paint the shit out of him, then like stick em in the oven for about 1 1/2 hours at 400degrees, serve with eggs cooked to your choice =]

Barney Pie

Mix Barney peices and sugar. Then mix together corn starch and water until it is a pasty mix. Next mix your sugar and Barney peices with your corn starch and water mix. Blend on High for 15 minutes, or until it begins to rink. Pour into crusts and bake on 350 F for about 20 minutes or until brown. Chill and serve.
from Oslund, Lee A.

Bharn'i Cookies

Use the chainsaw to cut Barney up, leave him alive though! Combine all the ingredients, stuff them into Barney's Mouth. Use meat tenderizer when bored, dip into acid

B'harnie & Fiends Stew

Needed: Directions:Cut up meat and place in big pot (which should be on the fire) Deposit dinos in pot. Ignore screams for mercy. Then deposit kiddies in pot and stir until done. Serve warm.
from Sir Timothy


Trim any fat and sliver skin from Barney.(leaves approx. 1lb meat) Remove all bones and cut Barney into very thin slices. Heat oil in a non-stick or well seasoned wok and stirfry Barney, garlic, ginger, and green onions 1 minute or until Barney is browned. Add remaining ingredients and stir-fry 3 or 4 minutes or until Barney is cooked through(**warning eating raw or un-cooked Barney could be fatal). Garnish with Shredded green onions and serve on rice.
Makes 4 servings:   Total Calories: 790   Calories per portion: 197
                    Total Fat: 36.9 g     Fat per portion: 9.2 g
from Steve Wilding

Nick's and Jon's Barney Surprise

Take a Barney and knock baseball bat.(Hit him or it more if you feel happy.) Take the knife and chop off his tail and put it in the pencil sharpener (this will be the seasoning.) Take the Barney and chop off various body parts. If he tries to run release the dogs. Take the barney pieces and put the in pot of boiling water. Stir in pirahnas leave some in the tank for later. Shoot a few rounds in the pot just in case. Take the pot and dump it into the tank of pirahnas. Stir well for 15 min. Take what's left and put it on a plate and cover it with acid and what's left of his tail. ENJOY!!!
from Michael Powers


  1. One gallon of vanilla ice cream
  2. Vanilla
  3. One LIVE Barney (He MUST suffer!)
  4. One freakin' big blender, with a VERY &%#& - ing big blade
Preparation- Put all ingredients into the blender except for the Barney. Take him and strap him to a table. Take a sharp knife and cut into cubic inches, one a minute. Make sure Barney is alive. If the screaming is too much, cut his tounge out and pour hydroflouric acid down his throat (just a bit. He has to be living.). When you have cut most of him up, insert the remaining parts into blender. Put on WHIP for one hour. Serve in tall glass with cherry on top, adding whipped cream, if desired. Serves 30.
from Ted Stumps

Breaded Barney

  1. One live Barney.
  2. Two to Three Loaves of Bread.
  3. A BIG stove.
  4. Three eggs.
  5. Sharp objects (Nails, knives, swords, spears, saws, etc)
  6. One quart of milk.
Step 1-Tell Barney to stand still against a wall. Then pin him (Literally) against the wall with your sharp objects. Continue until he is in pieces. Remove vital organs and bones. Step 2-Mix milk and egg whites together and dip what's left of Barney in the mixture.
Step 3-Turn on the heat full blast on the stove and rip apart the loaves. Deposite the crumbs on a pan on the stove.
Step 4-Throw the wet meat onto the crumbs and turn them over and over, coating them entirely in the crumbs.
Step 5-Cook the breaded meat a little longer and then shut off the stove. Enjoy!

Barney Ramen

Put two cups of water in a small pot or saucepan. Then add the flavoring packet and other desired seaonings,then turn it on high. While waiting for the water to boil,cut pieces out of your Barney. When water starts to boil,put in ramen and barney pieces (and maybe some blood as well). Cook for 3 minutes. Turn off heat,drain (optional),and serve.


Using the flensing spade, skin your Barney, making sure to remove all purple. (Save the skin; it can be shipped to KFB corporate to be processed into seat covers for your restaurant.) Clean. Divide into sections, as you would a chicken. Separate the pieces by type of meat (breast and "wing" are light meat, thigh and leg are dark meat). Put the usable internal organs (liver, gizzard) aside or refrigerate for future use (see Aunt Esther's special Chopped Barney Liver recipe, coming soon). Dip each piece in the special batter. Heat the oil to the proper temperature for your fryer, place the cut white meat parts in one basket, the dark parts (and gizzard, if desired) into another, and lower carefully into the hot oil. Fry until crispy. Remove, drain, salt, and place into cardboard buckets for sale with side orders of french fries and/or biscuits. (Be sure to charge extra for all white meat.) One medium-sized Barney should yield enough product to feed several dozen hungry customers.
from Jon Jerome

Barney Burger

First, you have to slice Barney up into as many round pieces that fit on the buns as you possible can(To do this, but the bun on him, and then use a knife to cut around him). Next put him on a grill, and cook him at high until prepared at medium rare, or however you like your burgers cooked. After that, take him off the grille, and put him on the bottom bun, placing the cheese over him. Finally, hock up a big ol' phlegm wad, and spit it on the burger(To add flavor of course). Then, put the buns together, and eat it. Eureeka!! a fresh Barney Burger.


You will need: Prepare Barney for cooking by killing him in the worst way imaginable, cutting out all internal organs, removing all bones, and cutting off the head (shouldn't be heavy since there is no brain inside). Slice all veggies into bite size pieces (should be started at least two days before final preparation, try it and you'll see why). Put all pieces of meat, vegetables, and shrimp onto skewer. Grill for an hour, let cool, and enjoy!
Serves 10,000+
from Ben Reitzug

Jerky Barney

Take the purple freak, and flay his skin off with your knife....all of it. Then Slice the sheets into foot long by 4 inch strips. Place them out in the sun under a mosquito net cover to dry up in the sun. Season with spices and salt and serve up!^_^ (As for Barney, you can anoint his wounds with hydrochloric acid, then push him in the pool.)
from The Dark Saiyajin

Thanksgiving Barney Feast

Tell Barney it's time to make dinner. Watch him bounce up and down delightedly. Grin.
Take him to the kitchen. Show him the 'implements'. When asked what the balloon and metal rod are for, keep grinning. (The nervousness and shaking help to tenderize the Barney) When Barney decides he wants to leave, signal hidden haters to carry out 'the plan'. While Barney is being tenderized, prepare stuffing with bread and spices in large pot. When the beating has rendered Barney unconscious, call off the senseless brutality and preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Have a volunteer hold the balloon while you insert the metal rod into the open end. Wrap balloon securely around the rod and lubricate excessively with vaseline. With Barney held down (he's bound to wake up), insert tool in cake-hole , careful not to overly disturb internal organs. Barney must remain alive. Remove rod once balloon is in place, then attach 1st helium cylinder. Open cylinder valve and fill balloon until Barney is approximately 3 times original size. Concentrating on Barney's skin in case the pressure threatens to rupture him and ruin the feast. Also, stop if Barney's screams become faint. He must stay alive. Remove balloon from the Barney. He will deflate, but still be "loose" enough.
Stuff breading into newly loosened orifice. Be sure not to waste any. Breading should be hot so as to cause pain. A volunteer may also twist Barney's nipples to make sure he stays conscious.
Open over door and heave limp Barney inside. Close door. Roast for approx. 3 hrs. Garnish with cranberry sauce.
Sell tape to CNN. (to make sure it is played many many many times.)
Serves 20. Entertains millions.
from Carl Brennan


Boil Barney parts for 20 minutes. Drain and cube. Mix cubed Barney with three cups of cooked pasta. Grate one clove of garlic and add to mixture. Add remaining ingredients and top with oil and vinegar to taste.
from sh3040@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU

Barney Pinata Surprise

Ingredients: Make sure the dead Barney has been completely dead for at least a week and is becomming rancid. Unwrap the assorted candies, place the diced Barney parts in the wrappers. Stuff in the Pinata.
Tell the cast of Barney (the kids, cameramen, crew, the whole shabang) that there is a special prize for whoever eats the most candy after the pinata is broken. Have the coroner use purple body bags.
from Kevin Harte

Barney Pizza

Ingredients: Directions:
Take your Barney and slice up the tail like you would cut bread. This is the topping. Put the rest of the Barney into the blender. Make sure it is blended into a paste. This is the sauce. Preheat oven to 500 degree F. Spread the Barney sauce onto the crust and cover with mozzerella cheese. Add sliced tail. Pop it in the oven and cook it for 1 hour. Enjoy!
from thefews

Barney Chips and Dip

This recipe is simple and very tasty! Ingredients include: Instructions: Take your Barney and stab repeatedly with the knife. Use the toe nail clipper to snip off your Barney's nails. Take the Barney's blood out and put it in your bowl, along with the toe nails. Cook for 20 minutes, remove and eat! Enjoy your Barney chips and dip!
from Luke

Barney Popsicles

Ingredients: Directions:
Get lots of barney's blood. put it in a Tupperware for later. Cut yer barney up and take out his ribs. Set them aside. Remove the rest of the bones. Trashe them(or make an abstract sculpture with them as a trophy of the Hellwyrm's death). Shove yer Barney in the blender and blend him to a paste. Pour the blood in at this point. Continue to blend barney until he is a liquid.(Oh yeah, make sure he's alive when you first stick 'im in the blender.) Pour this liquid into the molds and stick the ribs in. Freeze. Bon appetit!
from thefews

Barney Spaghetti and Eyeballs

This recipe is fairly hard, but worth it!
Ingredients: Directions:
Take your Barney. Remove his brain and small intestine. Put these with the tomatoes. Also remove the eyes. Don't damage them. De-bone your Barney and send him through the papershredder(or whatever). Put the spaghetti in a pot with the barney noodles. Cook them. While you're waiting, put the tomatoes, brain, and intestine in the blender. Mix it to a sauce and add herbs. When the noodles are done, drain them and put them on a plate. Add the sauce and eyeballs. Serve.
from Ice


Serve with the Barney Burgers and a Barney Shake.(If you run out of Barney, use another Wyrm)
Ingredients: Directions:
Debone your Wyrm. Cut it into long strips the width and thickness of fries. Then cut the strips into fry-length pieces. The cutting will take a while, but trust me, it's worth it. Put these in the deep-fat fryer for a long time. Wait until they're well-cooked, then put them in paper cups and serve with optional side orders of sauce(ketchup, honey, or other). Don't forget to serve with a Barney shake and a Barney Burger.
from Ice


This is a lovely alternative to the Barney Burgers.
What you'll need: Directions:
Skin your wyrm. This skin can be hung apon your wall, or made into clothes, or used for Barney Jerky. Then cut your Wyrm into small nuggets. This, like the fries, will take awhile. Once you've done that, preheat the oven to 450 degrees F, and start breaking up the bread and depositing the cumbs on a cookie sheet. Start breading the nuggets, making sure each one is thoroughly and thickly breaded. Then, put them on as many cookie sheets as you need, and pop 'em in the oven for 1 hour. Bring them out and serve them in paper cups like the fries. Don't forget to serve with Wyrm Fries and a Barney Shake.
from Ice

Super-hot Barney Taco& Nacho Dip

First melt the cheese and then add the chopped Barney and mix, then pour the gallon of the salsa in and mix again. Chop the Jalepeno peppers and add the bottle of tobasco sauce and the half cup of hot sauce and stir until it's like yougurt. Pop it in the microwave on 300 degrees. After 15 minutes take it out and you have the heck of a dip. It should be big enough to serve a whole party. You can even use a cheese stuffed tortilla. Enjoy the dip!

Barney gut punch:

Ingreedience: Take the live barney and strap him to a brick wall. Drive the truck into him at about 135 Km per hour. Take your bucket and scoop barney guts of the road. Stir the Barney guts up and take out any solid parts. Put in fridge for about 20 minutes and voila!! Your very own Barney gut punch.
Donna Maciel

Stuffed Barney

Is turkey too overpriced? Try this instead when Thanksgiving comes around.
Ingredients and Equipment: Directions:
Cut off your barney's tail. Open the box of stuffing. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. Completely empty your Barney of intestines. Listen to the screams of pain which end when his lungs are taken out. Behead him and end his obvious misery. Smile with satisfaction. Stuff your Barney. When the oven is fully preheated, stick the meat timer in him and put him in the oven for about an hour. When he's done(when the meat timer pops up), take him out. Put him on the plate. Surround him with the radishes or tomatoes. Put a sprig of parsley on top. Serve.

These recipes have either been written by Keebler, or have been suggested to Keebler through E-Mail or posts on a.b.d4.
If you have more recipes, email Keebler and send your recipe for the Magenta Menace... maybe your recipe will end up in the book!
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